DXFReader.NET is a .NET component that allows viewing, manipulating and plotting direct from the AutoCAD drawing file format DXF, also known as the drawing exchange format.

DXF is an acronym for Drawing eXchange Format. DXF is a replication of the contents of a drawing file enabling the interchange of files from one CAD system to another program. DXF import/export is supported by a wide variety of applications, ranging from CAD products to word processors, desktop publishing and illustration tools. The DXF CAD format has become the defacto standard in PC based CAD industry with many other CAD systems able to read and write this format too.

With DXFReader.NET you can also retrieve every drawing information and every entity and easily perform data manipulation and/or analysis directly within your development environment.


The following is a highlight of some of the major features of DXFReader.NET Component:

  • The ideal Control to develop engineering, surveying; CNC and industrial related software.
  • DXFReader's features are familiar, intuitive, and easy to use especially for CAD developers. In most cases, they require no code.
  • Full compliant with AutoDesk DXF from rel. 10 to 2018 for display and manipulation of the following entities: 3DFACE, ARC, ATTDEF, ATTRIB, CIRCLE, DIMENSION, ELLIPSE, HATCH, HELIX, IMAGE, INSERT, LINE, LWPOLYLINE, MESH, MLINE, OLEFRAME, OLE2FRAME, MTEXT, POINT, POLYLINE including bulged polylines, meshed polylines and polyfaces, SOLID, RAY, REGION, SPLINE, TABLE, TEXT with truetype fonts, TOLERANCE, TRACE, UNDERLAY including PDF, WIPEOUT, XLINE.
  • Display functions including Pan, Zoom (Extents, Limits, In, Out, Previous, Window, etc.)
  • Full control of every entity and of every tables entry providing collections of objects representing every drawing elements. It is possible, with few instructions, to retrieve and process every drawing information and add or remove any entry. For example the following code will show the number and the total lenght of all lines in a drawing:


    using System;
    using DXFReaderNET;
    using DXFReaderNET.Entities;

    namespace DXFReaderNETConsoleApp
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                DXFReaderNETControl myDXF = new DXFReaderNETControl();
                double total_lines_lenght = 0;
                foreach (Line line in myDXF.DXF.Lines)
                    total_lines_lenght += line.Lenght;
                Console.WriteLine("# of lines: " + myDXF.DXF.Lines.Count.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("total lenght of lines: " + total_lines_lenght.ToString());



    Imports DXFReaderNET
    Imports DXFReaderNET.Entities

    Module Module1

        Sub Main()

            Dim myDXF As New DXFReaderNETControl

            Dim total_lines_lenght As Double = 0

            For Each line As Line In myDXF.DXF.Lines
                total_lines_lenght += line.Lenght

            Console.WriteLine("# of lines: " + myDXF.DXF.Lines.Count.ToString())
            Console.WriteLine("total lenght of lines: " + total_lines_lenght.ToString())

        End Sub

    End Module


  • Full control of blocks, dimensions, attribute and color using the AutoCAD Color Index with implemented default palette dialog and dimension styles dialog:
  • Full access to every HEADER variable of the DXF file to retrieve and/or modify information like units format, attribute mode, dimensioning parameters, extensions, limits and so on.
  • Full support of raster images with different scaling to use together vectorial drawings.
  • Full 3D visualization!
  • Full resolution printing using different printing modes. It is possible to retrieve and set scaling, margins, origin, rendering, rotation, aspect ratio and select different pen assignments.
  • Saving of full DXF file in different versions. It is possible to read a DXF file and write it using a lower version. Saving of single DXF block and raster drawing pictures.
  • Redlining functions to add information to the drawing without modifying the drawing database.
  • Edit functions: Chamfer, Contour, Extend, Fillet, Join, Offset, Trim and many others.
  • Visualization of grid, axes, limits and base point.
  • Pick engine. You can select a drawing's entity simply clicking on it.
  • Full HtmlHelp and on line Help.
  • Full compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 to 2022 and any .NET authoring tool.

DXFReader.NET is a powerful .NET component that enables developers to build custom solutions for the CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) industry. With its ability to read, view, manipulate, and plot DXF files—the standard AutoCAD drawing exchange format—DXFReader.NET provides the essential tools to develop specialized software tailored to your specific manufacturing needs.

With DXFReader.NET, you can:
Develop custom CAM applications that interpret and modify DXF files in real time.
Extract and manipulate geometric data to generate precise toolpaths for CNC, laser cutting, or 3D printing.
Automate workflows by integrating CAD data directly into your manufacturing processes.
Create industry-specific solutions, such as nesting software, cutting optimization tools, or automated machining programs.

By integrating DXFReader.NET into your software, you gain full control over DXF file data, allowing you to design and implement customized features that standard CAM software might not offer. Whether you need to streamline production, enhance design compatibility, or automate machining, DXFReader.NET gives you the flexibility to build tailor-made solutions that fit your exact requirements.